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Society expects adults to be ready to take charge of their lives by the time they reach the age of majority which is typically age 18. Life Management: What’s Your A7MQ? provides a realistic picture of what to expect and what is expected of you as an adult. This self-paced worktext takes the mystery out of what is required to attain your adult aspirations by teaching you how to answer seven major questions (A7MQ) in seven segments of your life rather than have someone provide answers for you.
Each chapter is designed to help you understand, in advance, how well you will be able to manage your whole life in a college or corporate setting. It is a must-have if you want to establish your own identity, develop mutually beneficial relationships, work in a satisfying career, rely on your own income, get involved in your community, become an independent thinker, and understand what influences your choices.
Additional features include chapter objectives, practice worksheets, self-scoring assessments, real-life ‘What If…’ scenarios, introspection journaling, quizzes, a culminating project, and a glossary. The college edition features comprehensive precollege, matriculation, and graduation portfolio checklists; charts of campus support resources; and lists of major fields of study and national business industries.
Take the guesswork out of structuring your day. This hand-held device provides quick access to the routine life management tasks you are expected to know about, talk about, and get done to attain your adult aspirations. The A7MQ Life Management Wheel gives you the freedom to choose what you will accomplish on a given day rather than having someone choose for you.
The wheel conveniently displays the concepts found in the Life Management: What’s Your A7MQ? worktext including the 28 mechanisms, seven segments of life, 15 driving forces, three capacity-builders, five goal-diggers, five elements of a strategic plan, 15 parking forces, and four response abilities. The wheel comes ready to use. No technology, wi-fi, batteries, hardware, software, or assembly is required.
Access guidance counseling anytime or anywhere. Use this innovative and empowering set of self-guidance cubes to brainstorm over 6.7 million combi-nations of guidance prompts for what you can start, continue, or stop thinking, saying, doing, or becoming to attain your adult aspirations. What’s Your A7MQubes? provide endless possibilities for approaching and responding to a wide array of goals and challenges you can decide to implement rather than having someone decide for you.
Each set comes with seven cubes, an 11x17 grid, and an instruction booklet that contains over 100 examples of goals to brainstorm that cover every segment of life. What’s Your A7MQubes? is an excellent resource when you do not have access to a guidance counselor; and when you feel afraid, reluctant, embarrassed, or have doubts about asking for help.
College Student Development Center, Inc.
3725 South Ocean Drive, Hollywood, Florida 33019, United States
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A7MQ®, GottaDoCollege®, College Life Skills Course® and Student Life Matters® are registered trademarks owned by Rozalia Williams
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